about savor

IMG_4660savor comes from a lifetime of loving good and good-for-you foods, great books of all kinds, memorable moments with family and friends. These pages are about savoring our precious free time in ways that nourish and satisfy body and soul.

about susan


For more than three decades, I’ve written about food and books and features for newspapers and magazines across the country. I worked for 20 years as a trusted restaurant critic for The Birmingham News. Before that, I was a food and lifestyle writer for The Tampa Tribune, one of Florida’s largest newspapers. My articles about food, books and culture regularly appear online at Alabama NewsCenter. And I am a founding member of the Birmingham Chapter of Les Dames d’Escoffier International.

I’m the mother of three (pretty much grown up) children, and my husband, Rick, and I have been married for 34 years. I love books of all kinds, cooking a global variety of foods, sharing all the special things in my hometown of Birmingham, hiking in new places, DIY projects, seeing the world, the occasional half marathon and Pepper. The beach is my happy place.

Thank you for stopping by savor.